De Belgische Ruby Grace mengt kitscherige elementen met electropopbeats en soul. Haar unieke stem, die doet denken aan Amy Winehouse, voegt een duidelijke herkenbaarheid toe aan haar muziek. Als jonge selfmade en DIY-artieste schrijft Ruby Grace haar eigen muziek en regisseert ze al haar videoclips.
Sinds de release van haar eerste singles in 2019, kreeg de zangeres - afkomstig uit Hasselt - meteen aansluiting bij de media. Ze kreeg reeds vanaf het begin support van Studio Brussel, BRUZZ, Elle, HUMO en Knack Focus. Ze stond o.a. op het podium van Pukkelpop en AB én deed de support van Doja Cat in Botanique.
In 2021 bracht ze haar debuut EP glossy bisous uit met daarop o.a. de singles Jawbreaker, My Gem en Winx.
Ruby Grace is a singer from Belgium. She mixes kitsch elements - like Charli XCX - with electropop beats and soul. Her rare and powerful voice, reminiscent of Amy Winehouse, is one of her most striking features. This unique style makes her one of the most promising talents in Belgium.
"Ruby Grace has everything to conquer the pop world. Her deep voice, cool style and unique sound are a golden formula", according to Enfnts Terribles.
Immediately after the release, her debut single 'Lipgloss' was picked up by Studio Brussel and the song reached the weekly 'Hi-Five' selection of the Brussels radio station Bruzz. With her music video for 'Lipgloss', she was immediately known as someone with an outspoken and atypical visual identity. A young Belgian artist to keep an eye on.
This spring Ruby Grace will be playing club shows all over the country, writing new songs, and there will be a new single ready to be sent into the universe this summer.
Ruby Grace mixes kitsch elements with electro pop beats and soul. Her rare voice, reminiscent of Amy Winehouse, adds uniqueness to the music. As a young self-made and DIY artist, Ruby Grace writes all her music and directs all her music videos.
The music flutters between nature & computer sounds, but her main 'characteristic' is the use of different themes as inspiration for her songs: f.ex. a movie title, a movie character, fantasy stuff, space, crystals, cartoons...
Since her previous releases, Ruby evolved into a more fantasy/fairytaleish style (musically as well as visually) with a touch of kitsch. She challenges her voice more with different tones & more emotion is involved.
"Fairylike but not in a too ethereal way, in a colourful and playful way!"
The visuals for the upcoming projects are very dreamy: fantasy, fairytale, playing with lights, space and nature… this in combination with ‘fake kitsch’ visual elements like a green screen and weird computer effects to make the music come alive. Even though she creates a different vision per song, the main vibe remains the same: fairytale/fantasy-ish.
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